HOW-TO: get through the holidays joyfully

Anyone that knows me knows I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the holidays and always have. As I’ve gotten older I’ve noticed more and more people don’t like the holidays, and then seeing Bad Mom’s Christmas I actually was baffled as to how many moms hate the holidays. I can barely type the word hate it’s so tragic to me! I thought I would give a few tips on how I/my family enjoy November-December and hopefully can alleviate some of your stresses! I do understand that all families are different and I do have one of those families where my in-laws and my parents actually get along and hang out, but hopefully this can help in some way!


1) Work around YOUR schedule

Do what’s best for you and your family first and foremost. Meaning you and your children, if you have them. We used to split Thanksgiving day going to one family for lunch and one for dinner. After Finley came along I told both families I would work around his nap schedule and bedtime. We combined both families for Thanksgiving and I actually host now because it’s easier for me. Finley still gets his nap (which is best for EVERYONE) and still goes to bed at his normal time. TIP: if you can’t combine both families, do one Thursday and one Friday. This also works for Christmas. We do one family for Christmas Eve, and one for Christmas day afternoon. If you have family that lives OOT, see if they can come to you or say once the kids get older you can travel to them. DO WHAT’S BEST FOR YOUR FAMILY! It’s ok to say, “We’re staying home”. I promise, long term you will be happier you made the memories for your family and were able to enjoy your time together.

2) Don’t overbuy

For your children especially. Make a list, stick to it. You do not need to buy for every cousin, aunt and uncle. Once we all had kids my family agreed just they would get gifts, so our parents don’t even get us gifts anymore. I buy 3 gifts for Finley, one gift each for my nieces. Something nice for our parents, and something nice for Matthew. DONE. This will also help cut down on financial stress.

3) Order online

So many places will have free shipping, and hello amazon prime! Buying online saves you time and money too, because you won’t be tempted to buy all the stuff you don’t need. You don’t have to put the kids in the car and fight for parking spots. This is stress saving right here!

4) Take care of yourself

This is not the time to skimp on yourself, this is supposed to be an enjoyable time, and you have the power to make it just that! Take the time to get a run in, or go get a manicure. I actually made November my “Skin” month. I already got a massage and this week I’m getting a facial. I always take the time to get a run in, even if it means waking up before everyone else. When I feel good about myself, I’m happier, and then I’m better for my family.
