our schedule

I’m going to start with telling you a little about us as a family and our day to day schedule and then I’m going to write about specific “mom” topics. Let me know if there is something you want to know about! Right now a typical day for us is I wake at 6am and Finley wakes at 7am. I work Monday-Wednesday about six hours and I have someone come to my house and watch Finley. (This will change in September when he starts MDO). Then I spend each afternoon with him and he goes to bed about 7/730pm each night. Thursday mornings Matthew spends with Finley and I teach a Les Mills bodypump class (twofer one-getting a workout and getting paid ;-)). This is so great for them because they spend a good 3 hours together each week no matter what. Then we’re free the rest of Thursdays and Fridays to do whatever we please! I also work while Finley naps and sleeps at night if I have too. We are currently on a one, 2-3 hour nap. Matthew owns a real estate company and I am also a licensed realtor and help him run the company. BOSS LADY! I worked really hard to get Finley on a good sleep schedule, more on that in another post. I’m a VERY scheduled person, and feel like you have to be if you want anything done with a child. I get up before Finley and have my coffee and usually get ready for the day, so once he’s awake I don’t have to be doing my makeup and making sure he’s not climbing up his window sill. I usually eat while he eats ( not if your nursing ha), so that’s typically three meals and two snacks and I do cook a few times a week and I find a way to have him help me and he LOVES it! I let him use all the pots and utensils and he’s in heaven. If I know I won’t be able to go to the gym I usually stick him in the jogging stroller and go for a run. We run to a park near our house, let him play, then run home. Perfect way to spend the afternoon! Yes it’s hot.

Finley is obsessed with drains
