The low down
You asked for this and HERE IT IS! This is my most worn hair style, because it’s so versatile and lasts forever! I do my hair this way about once a week, and touch up as needed as you’ll see if you watch all my videos on IGTV! All my products are listed below and I think that this look is better as the days go on too. I don’t like it too perfect, hence the “beachy” waves. Don’t try to make your curls perfect, or even curl each piece. If your hair is already curly/wavy like mine, I don’t even do many pieces on the bottom of my head. I spray with hairspray the first day I do this, but not any day after that. I need it to hold the first day, and to protect against humidity, but then I like when it falls naturally, and I don’t want the hair to be crispy.
Practice makes perfect. I used to use a curling iron and NOT use the clamp-I used to just wrap pieces of hair around the iron, (which is great if your hair is longer, try it!). But, it takes practice with the clamp. I use the T3 1.25 inch barrel now, and I start up higher on the piece of hair, and then open the clamp and slide the hair down the iron, then re-clamp and then open it again to slide the hair all the way out. It definitely took a few times to get the hang of. I also don’t like when all the hair bends at the same place, so make sure some pieces you clamp up higher, while other pieces you can start in the clamp down lower. Copy and paste the link for my full video tutorial!
Don’t be afraid to use hair products. You need to use them to achieve the look you want, and I think it helps with the hold and keeping the grease out as well. I also think it helps keep your hair for a week before washing like I do. I start with my heat protector, curl the hair, then spray with a little bit of volume spray, texturizing spray and hair spray. To keep your hair for awhile spray with dry shampoo before bedtime and before workouts. You can brush it out (makes waves look great!) or just use your fingers to rub it in. I like the Tribe dry texturizing spray to make it look even more messy. After your hair is a few days “old” you can start to have fun with some different styles, like a the top knot, because it will hold well. I have all these videos coming, so stay tuned!